Vaatsalya Vatika Curriculum

There are Nine pillars that form the basis of the curriculum at Vaatsalya Vatika

जीवन का घनिष्टतम अनुभव :
deep joyful experiences of life

Children in this stage of life are largely learning on their own by means of day to day experiences. Be it exploring the five elements i.e. mud, water, fire, air and sound ; enacting by role playing different people who are part of their life or telling stories about speaking animals and birds, the children are so full of experiences which they love to share and relive each day. The teachers at Vaatsalya vatika are very innovative to diligently design activities that enhance this aspect of a child’s life.

संस्कार एवं चरित्र निर्माण :
providing lasting impressions and character building

The word संस्कार does not have an appropriate English equivalent. However, as parents or teachers, we all know the importance of inculcating good values in children hoping they remain with them for life. Touching the feet of our elders everyday morning, lighting the lamp in front of God each evening, not wasting food that is on our plate before us, putting rangoli in front of our door or watering the tulasi plant daily.. the list is long but yes we certainly would like our children to develop these good habits and the best way to try and impart these values is by listening to stories or singing songs about them. We at Vaatsalya Vatika also bring festivals into the classroom and diligently take care of every detail that is involved in the celebrations. Another aspect unique to Vaatsalya Vatika is to introduce children to great personalities from Bharatvarsha both from the past and the present who have made significant contributions in shaping our society. These are just some ways by which we hope to inspire children to yearn to become one like them when they grow up.

क्षमताओं का विकास :
development of skills

Skills of the body, the mind and the intelligence are all different and need daily exercise in order to develop nicely. Vaatsalya Vatika curriculum is designed to nurture the Panchakosha (पञ्चकोषाः) of the individual. There are a multitude of games and activities that are a part of the daily routine at Vaatsalya Vatika which naturally nurture the five koshas of the growing child.

The Nine Gems of Knowledge

Unveiling the Potential Within

  • The rivulets of knowledge are always flowing. They are never stagnant, and they are always changing. They are the source of our curiosity in young children, and they are the key to our future.
  • The human mind is like a vast ocean, filled with endless possibilities. But how do we begin to explore this vastness? How do we learn to navigate its currents and depths?
  • The answer lies in the light of nine Gems of knowledge. These nine Gems provide a foundation for learning that is both holistic and comprehensive. They are the rivulets that lead us to the vast sea of knowledge.

The First Gem

Know Your World

Explore the natural world, unravel its mysteries, and understand the interwoven  tapestry of human interactionsThis Gem shines brightly, urging us to assist children to explore the natural world around us. It encourages us to delve into the mysteries of the earth beneath our feet, the air we breathe, and the water that sustains us, the heat that keeps us warm and the ether that gives us space to exist.

The Second Gem

Rhythm and Harmony

Harmony in motion: Every step, every interaction is a part of the grand orchestra of life. Achieve a resonance between the inner and outer harmony. There is rhythm in our breathing, there rhythm in the changing seasons, there is rhythm in a day’s routine. This Gem guides children to embrace and find resonance with the rhythm of life.

The Third Gem

Creative and Expressive Art

Art is a Celebration of Life: Create Beauty, Share Joy, and Inspire Others.The Third Gem reminds us that knowledge isn’t just about learning facts; it’s about creating something new and unique. It’s about expressing your individuality, your perspective, and your place in the world.

The Fourth Gem

Habits and Character Development

Connect to Your Roots, Grow Strong and Tall: Thrive with the Power of Your Heritage.But the Fourth Gem is not just about remembrance; it’s about carrying the torch forward. It calls upon us to not only learn from our ancestors, but to honor their legacy by building upon it. We are entrusted with the responsibility of preserving our traditions, enriching them with our own experiences, and passing them on to future generations.

The Fifth Gem

Skills of the Body

The Fifth Gem is a champion of physical skills, the building blocks of our bodily symphony. The gem focuses on strengthening the capacity of the hands, feet and God’s unique gift of the human voice. Through the development of our physical skills, we unlock a world of possibilities. We become healthier, stronger, and more confident individuals.

The Sixth Gem

Strengthening Your Life Force

This Gem radiates warmth and vitality, guiding children towards strengthening their inner life force. It encourages them to practice yoga, meditation, and other forms of self-care to cultivate inner peace and resilience. Like a gentle sun, the Sixth Gem radiates warmth and comfort, inviting children to slow down and connect with their inner selves.


The Seventh Gem

Skills of the Mind

This Gem shines with sharp focus, urging children to developtheir memory, attention, and concentration skills. It encourages them to read, study, and engage in activities that challenge their minds and expand their knowledge base. It teaches them that knowledge is not just about acquiring information, but also about retaining, processing, and applying it in meaningful ways.

The Eighth Gem

Skills of the Intelligence

This Gem shines with a special kind of light. It’s the light of intellectual brilliance, urging children to develop their critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills. It encourages them to ask questions, analyze information, and solve puzzles, expanding their understanding of the world around them.

The Ninth Gem

Spiritual Enhancement

This Gem shines with a mystical glow, guiding us towards a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the universe. This Gem teaches children that happiness is like a big, warm hug. You can share it with everyone around you. You can make your friends happy by playing games, singing songs, and saying kind words. Sharing your happiness makes the world a brighter and more joyful place!