our features 

Immerse yourself in our dynamic learning atmosphere, Where every corner ignites creativity, fuels personal growth, and cultivates holistic development. Discover an environment dedicated to fostering curiosity, innovation, and a lifelong passion for learning

School With Bhartiya Traditions

One of the aims of education is to transmit safely our Sanskriti to our next generation..

Exposure to Languages

Vaatsalya vatika brings songs / slogans / shlokas and mantras in Hindi, Marathi and Sanskrit and stories in Hindi to the children.

Instilling reverence for country

Courageous Freedom fighters are all introduced to our children by means of stories, songs , dramas and games!

No formal fee structure

According to the Bharatiya parampara, food, water and any form of “Vidya” were never sold for a price.

Reigniting the Spark of Indian Knowledge Systems (IKS)

A School for shaping the Future

At Vaatsalya Vatika, we seamlessly weave the timeless wisdom of IKS into the core curriculum, fostering well-rounded individuals with a deep understanding of their cultural roots.In a world increasingly dominated by technology and rapid change, there is a growing need to reconnect with our roots, to rediscover the timeless wisdom that has guided humanity for millennia. The ancient knowledge systems of India, offer a wealth of insights into various aspects of life, from philosophy and ethics to science and art.This interdisciplinary approach not only equips students with a comprehensive understanding of the world but also fosters critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills. Students learn to connect theory and practice, see the world from multiple perspectives, and apply their knowledge to real-world challenges. At the heart of this resurgence lies the vision of a unique school – a beacon of learning that seamlessly weaves the timeless wisdom of IKS into the core curriculum.

Exposure to Languages

The Journey of Languages

The NEP 2020 (https://www.education.gov.in/sites/upload_files/mhrd/files/NEP_Final_English_0.pdf) serves as a guiding light, illuminating our journey toward transformation and progress. It sets its roots deep within the fertile soil of our diverse mother tongues, with every word acting as a seed, blossoming into a vibrant tapestry that unravels the intricacies of our cultural heritage. However, this initial step merely marks the inception of a grander expedition. The NEP envisions an imminent epoch where Sanskrit, revered as the quintessential ‘mother of all languages,’ transcends its status to become the conduit bridging countless linguistic pathways. It emerges as the master key, unlocking an array of diverse expressions and nurturing profound intercultural connections. This monumental linguistic odyssey not only bestows empowerment but also propels us toward uncharted horizons, forging a future tightly woven with enriched cultural ties

Sowing Seeds of Pride

Where Patriotism Blooms Through Play

In our vibrant schools, young minds are cultivated not just with knowledge but also with the seeds of patriotism and environmental consciousness. Through the captivating melodies of songs, the inspiring stories of freedom fighters, and the engaging activities that connect them to their heritage, a deep love for their nation takes root in their hearts.

Just like saplings reaching for the sun, these children develop a deep reverence for their land and its natural beauty. Through immersive play and engaging narratives, they understand the intricate web of life and their interconnectedness with all living beings. They learn to appreciate the diverse tapestry of their heritage, fostering a sense of belonging and a responsibility to protect it.

For Admissions

Call us at 9619847729

Our inspirations

Vaatsalyavatika nurtures holistic growth, while Punarutthan Vidyapeeth / पुनरुत्थान विद्यापीठ blends tradition with modernity. Shishuvatika fosters curiosity, sparking a lifelong love for learning. Together, they weave care, tradition, and curiosity into our educational fabric

Punarutthan Vidyapeeth / पुनरुत्थान विद्यापीठ

  • In the heart of Ahmedabad stands पुनरुत्थान विद्यापीठ, a university dedicated to revitalizing Indian education and fostering a generation rooted in its rich cultural heritage. The visionary educator Indumati Katdare ji, embodies her lifelong mission to create an educational system that is both intellectually stimulating and deeply connected to Indian values.
  • Indumati Katdare ji, is a pioneer in early childhood education, recognized the need for an alternative to the Western-centric models prevalent in India. She believed that education should not only equip young minds with knowledge but also instill a sense of pride and respect for their cultural identity. This conviction led to the creation of Shishuvatika, a unique pre-primary program that revolutionized early childhood education in India.
  • The establishment of पुनरुत्थान विद्यापीठ serves as a hub for educators, researchers, and students dedicated to revitalizing Indian education across all levels. Its curriculum draws inspiration from ancient Indian wisdom and focuses on developing critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and a strong sense of social responsibility. Indumati Katdare ji’s vision transcended mere academics. She believed in the transformative power of education to create a society that is not only intellectually advanced but also ethically sound and firmly rooted in its cultural heritage. She advocated for the preservation of ancient Indian knowledge systems and their integration into modern education. 
  • The impact of पुनरुत्थान विद्यापीठ and Indumati Katdare’s legacy extends far beyond the walls of the university. Their work has inspired a nationwide movement towards holistic education, one that nurtures children’s intellectual, emotional, and spiritual development. Punarutthan Vidyapeeth’s unique contribution is that they have brought out books that are like encyclopedia guiding mankind towards having an ideal society that lives in harmony.


  • Imagine a time when childhood blossomed under the watchful eyes of a loving family, nurtured by generations of wisdom. This was Bharat, before centuries of colonization cast a shadow, leaving behind a society intellectually enslaved to the West. 
  • In the 1970s, Smt. Susheela Date, a visionary leader, dared to challenge the status quo. Driven by a deep love for India’s heritage, she envisioned an alternative – a school system firmly rooted in our own traditions and values. Thus, Shishuvatika was born, the very first Bharatiya model for pre-primary education. Today, Shishuvatika stands tall, a testament to the resilience of the Indian spirit. With over 25,000 schools across the country, it nurtures young minds, fostering a deep connection to our cultural roots. Shishuvatika is not just a school; it’s a renaissance, a reclamation of our identity, and a reminder that the seeds of a vibrant future lie within the fertile soil of our own traditions


Our students and parents share heartfelt experiences about our nurturing community, dedicated to academic excellence and character building. Discover their inspiring testimonials illuminating the essence of our school

My daughter's name is Pritha. Since last 3 years , we have been part of Vaatsalya Vatika. I have perceived many positive changes in Pritha. She has developed sensitivity. They are giving very nice culture to children such as yoga, a celebration of festivals which has a very favourable impact on children's minds. One thing that gives me relief is that she never says that she will not go to school. She is always ready to go!
Priya Yadav
हम ये चाहते थे कि हमारे बेटे के विद्या अध्ययन का आरंभ एक सांस्कृतिक परिवेश में हो । 'वात्सल्य-वाटिका' के विषय में जानकारी होने के बाद जब हम वाटिका की प्रणेता - आरती जी से मिले, तब हमने ये सुनिश्चित कर लिया कि यही वह विद्यालय है जो हम ढूंढ रहे थे । वाटिका की गुरु-माताओं का बच्चों के प्रति स्नेह और उनके शैक्षिक एवं सांस्कृतिक विकास के प्रति कटिबद्धता सराहनीय है। वात्सल्य-वाटिका का परिवेश ढोंग रहित एवं शिक्षा-पद्धति तार्किक है जो शिशुओं के बौद्धिक विकास पे केंद्रित है । वैदिक एवं भारतीय शिक्षा के प्रसार में 'वात्सल्य-वाटिका' का यह प्रयास अत्यंत सराहनीय है । 'वात्सल्य-वाटिका' की प्रबंध-समिति का बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद।
शुभेश पाण्डेय
Both of my children have cherished their time at Vaatsalya Vatika, where they not only received a top-notch education but also formed enduring friendships and imbibed essential values that will stand the test of time. It's truly a remarkable school that not only imparts fundamental educational principles but also excels in nurturing children's character, providing a solid foundation for their overall growth and development.
Sarita Yadav